Respect means to treat someone the way you want to be treated.
A respectful person treats people well. It’s the best example of how they want to be treated. They are well-mannered, polite and considerate of others.
Respect offers the potential for making more friends and having better relationships. It also helps to create an environment of peace and harmony.
A person who respects themselves aspires to be a better person through exercise and eating healthy, constant learning, and by doing the things they love.
Respect is awesome because by treating people well, you get along better with others and you can make more friends. Always show respect for others by using good manners, being polite and considerate.
Show your parents respect by following their rules and doing what they ask you to do right away with a good attitude. Respect your brothers and sisters by sharing, being kind to them, and by getting along. Respect your teachers by paying attention, learning, and always doing your best. Respect the community you live in by keeping it clean.
Another kind of respect is self-respect. It’s doing the things that help you to become a better person. You should respect your body exercising and eating healthy food. Respect your mind by learning something new every day. Respect your heart by spending time with your family, friends and by yourself.
A household based upon respect teaches children to value their parent’s needs as well as their own. It teaches them healthy boundaries and to follow the rules you set as a parent. Respect encourages your children to get along with their siblings. It teaches them to respect the values that make up your family. It gives them the ability to honour themselves and others. Respect builds character. A child who has self-respect will be goal oriented and aspire to be the best person they can be. You can be the best example of respect for your children to follow. Treat them well as you would have them treat you well.
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What is Respect and How to Respect Others
Respect is acting in a way that shows that you care about other people’s feelings.
Treat people the way you want to be treated and talk to people the way you want to be talked to.
Respect helps you to make friends and be liked by others. People will remember you.
How can you show respect to others?
1) Listen to others when they speak.
2) Show good eye contact.
3) Respect someone’s opinions and beliefs even if they are different to your own.
4) Be on time. It shows respect for others.
5) Good Manners. Always say please and thank you.
6) Do not stereotype people.
7) Show good sportsmanship.
8) Apologise. When you are wrong, simply say you are sorry.
9) Never gossip.
10) Remember people's names. And give them a reason to remember
Respect starts with you. For other people to respect you, you must respect yourself.
Here’s four tips on how you can respect yourself:
The more you compare your life to someone else's, the more difficult it becomes to respect yourself. It's hard not to compare but remind yourself that no life is perfect and it’s important to focus on what you have, not on what don’t have.
The way you speak about yourself says a lot about how much respect you have for who you are. Create the habit of speaking positively about yourself.
Making yourself feel good physically is one of the ultimate ways to respect yourself. The more kindness you show yourself physically, the more internal love you'll feel.
You also need to respect your mind. Challenge yourself with new experiences and information. Read books, meet new people and find inspirational videos. The more you know, the more you can grow. And all that growth will empower you, making it much easier to respect yourself.
Practice showing Respect so you can EXCEL IN LIFE.