Written by Liam Richards on May 1st 2020
Respect means to treat someone the way you want to be treated.

A respectful person treats people well. It’s the best example of how they want to be treated. They are well-mannered, polite and considerate of others. 

Respect offers the potential for making more friends and having better relationships. It also helps to create an environment of peace and harmony. 

A person who respects themselves aspires to be a better person through exercise and eating healthy, constant learning, and by doing the things they love...

Written by Liam Richards on April 27th 2020

Here’s one of our Team Talks on Confidence. 

“What is confidence? Confidence means to believe in yourself. 

The first secret of confidence is Body Language...
Written by Liam Richards on March 2020
Falling at 124mph 

My girlfriend at the time thought it would be a great idea to book me a skydive for my birthday.

Not just any skydive, the highest one in the UK...
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